IMDT Partnership Awards

Earning awards as a recognition for your hard work is highly motivating to many students.

At the Dog Owner Training School we offer the IMDT Partnership Awards. With 5 levels it is a great scheme for dogs and owners to work through. 

Click on the below buttons to find out your IMDT challenge in each course

Pawsome Primary

Secondary Scallywags

Canine College



“Laura’s support has been invaluable in producing a happy dog who is well on the way to being a delight inside and out, on and off the lead, despite not being the easiest breed.  She’s patient and creative, and is able to adapt her approach and advice to the preferences of individual owners and dogs.  There are many dog training resources out there, some good, some perhaps less so, but Laura’s non-judgemental approach and willingness to engage directly with specific challenges stand out.” Mrs Moriarty

Please feel free to drop me an email or give me a call to have a chat before committing to any of my training options. Not all trainers are the same so it is important to find someone who you feel comfortable working with.

07548 880298 WhatsApp / text / phone

(if no answer please leave a message and I will call you back. I only take calls when in the privacy of my office – you wont find me taking business calls when shopping in Tesco!)

Personalized help and support

Every dog and owner is different, which is why we put together a training plan that works for you. 





Training that is simple to follow

Each training exercise is broken down into simple, easy to follow steps.

Email, phone and WhatsApp support between sessions

Its a bit like having a dog training in your pocket. Whether you book a home visit, group class or sign up to train online, you are welcome to contact the trainer for support between sessions when you need it.  

Family friendly training

The whole family is welcome to get involved with the training experience. Ask about K9 Cadets – our training programme for children.

A positive training experience for owners and dogs.

Positive, reward based training is used with both the dogs and their owners. Leave each session feeling optimistic with new ideas.

Training that works in real life

Training in a village hall is very different to being out in the real world. Our training is designed to work where you need it to.

“Excellent training programme. The videos are so informative, and full of advice. The benefit of having an online training programme means you can keep watching the videos time and again, and work at yours and your puppy’s pace, without feeling under pressure.

Laura is the fountain of all knowledge, who absolutely loves dogs, and is always available for a chat, and to offer advice when needed” G. Gasson