How do I stop my dog from pulling?
How do I stop my dog from pulling on the lead? This question is asked by many dog owners who find their daily walks a struggle. This short course covers 5 short videos filled with tips and exercises to start improving your dogs behaviour from your next walk.
This free mini-course is a great introduction to the Dog Owner Training School, and a way of experiencing online learning before considering 21 Days to Loose Lead Dreams – Dog Owner Training School
This mini courses covers 5 main topics:
- Where to attach the lead and how to hold it - Collars, head collars and harnesses, which is best for you dog.
- Leaving the house - Making sure you dog is in the right frame of mind at the start of a walk.
- Wait - teaching your dog to stop.
- Sniffing - why it is so important
- Expectations - what is realistic for you and your dog.
For each topic there is a short, pre-recorded video for you to watch with lots of tips and exercises you can start using on your next walk. You will also recieve a series of helpful emails with bonus tips to help keep you on track.
This free mini-course is a great introduction to the Dog Owner Training School, and a way of experiencing online learning before considering 21 Days to Loose Lead Dreams - Dog Owner Training School